I was contacted by the Business Improvement District (BID) organisation in Welwyn Garden City. Who were planning their next magazine edition, and needed editorial photography for the content.
The magazine is published twice a year and distributed to 60,000 local homes in Welwyn Garden City and beyond. In addition, it is available at the Welwyn Garden City branches of John Lewis, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, and other local retailers. And is also available to read online.
For their Autumn/ Winter edition they wanted fashion images with a backdrop recognisable as Welwyn Garden City. The aim was to promote shopping locally within the town.
But as we all know, the one thing you can never control is the weather. Our Autumn / Winter edition was to have a warm feel with autumn leaves and cosy clothing. However, on the day of our shoot storm Callum hit the UK. With deadlines tight and postponing not an option, we went ahead regardless. In spite of the 30mph winds.
Top say it was a challenge would be an understatement. Lighting equipment needed to be held down, and the hairstylist had to restyle every few minutes! But our model Jess was an absolute professional, and our team worked tirelessly to keep the shoot going.
We photographed in several locations around Welwyn Garden City. Lastly, with daylight almost gone we headed to the final location around the Campus for some evening photos.
I am grateful to the whole team who worked so hard battling the elements to make this shoot a success.
The latest edition of To|morrow magazine is available from Waitrose and John Lewis Welwyn Garden City, and delivered locally.
Model: Jess Boulton www.facebook.com/JessikaBoultonModel
Hairdressing: Greys salon www.greyshairdressing.co.uk
Styling: John Lewis & Partners
Make up: Dior www.dior.com
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